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Copy SQL Server Data in Azure Data Factory

Woman standing next to a projector showing the Azure Data Factory logo.

In the previous post, we looked at the three different types of integration runtimes. In this post, we will first create a self-hosted integration runtime. Then, we will create a new linked service and dataset using the self-hosted integration runtime. Finally, we will look at some common techniques and design patterns for copying data from and into an on-premises SQL Server.

And when I say “on-premises”, I really mean “in a private network”. It can either be a SQL Server on-premises on a physical server, or “on-premises” in a virtual machine.

Or, in my case, “on-premises” means a SQL Server 2019 instance running on Linux in a Docker container on my laptop 🤓

Creating a Self-Hosted Integration Runtime

There are two parts to creating a self-hosted integration runtime. First, you create the integration runtime in Azure Data Factory and download the installation files. Then, you install and configure the integration runtime on a computer in the private network.

After that, the integration runtime works like a secure gateway so the Azure Data Factory can connect to the SQL Server in the private network.

Create and Download the Self-Hosted Integration Runtime

Open connections, click on integration runtimes, then click + new:

Screenshot of the Azure Data Factory interface with the integration runtimes open, highlighting the new integration runtime button

Select “perform data movement and dispatch activities”:

Screenshot of the new integration runtime pane

Select the self-hosted integration runtime:

Screenshot of the new integration runtime pane, with the self-hosted integration runtime selected

Give the new integration runtime a name and description, then click create:

Screenshot of the new integration runtime pane with the name and description filled out, highlighting the create button

The integration runtime is immediately created and saved:

Screenshot of the new integration runtime pane, highlighting the toast notification saying the integration runtime has been saved

Next, you need to download the integration runtime installation file(s). If you are currently working from the computer you want to install the integration runtime on, you can choose option 1: express setup:

Screenshot of the new integration runtime pane, highlighting installation option 1

Otherwise, you can download the setup files manually from the Microsoft Download Center by choosing option 2: manual setup:

Screenshot of the new integration runtime pane, highlighting installation option 2

After you have downloaded the installation files, you need to install the integration runtime.

Install and Configure the Self-Hosted Integration Runtime

You have two options for installing the integration runtime.

Option 1: Express Setup

The express setup is exactly that, an express setup. It will download, install, and register the integration runtime in as few steps as possible:

Animation of the Integration Runtime Express Setup

The express setup is fast, but it also means that you can’t customize settings like the installation location or the node name. It will automatically use your computer name as the node name:


Option 2: Manual Setup

The manual setup is also exactly that, a manual setup. You download the installation files, and then click through the installation like with any other software:


If you install the integration runtime on a computer that is configured to enter sleep or hibernate mode, you will get a warning:


(I got this warning because I’m installing the integration runtime on my laptop. Doing that works for simple demos and posts like these, but it’s… errr… not exactly best practice for enterprise solutions 😅)

After you have installed the integration runtime, you need to configure it by using one of the keys that were previously displayed in the Azure Data Factory interface:


You can also customize the node name:


The integration runtime will use your chosen name as the node name:


Monitor the Self-Hosted Integration Runtime

Back in the Azure Data Factory interface, under Nodes , we can see the new CathrineLaptop node that we just installed:

Screenshot of the integration runtime pane, highlighting the CathrineLaptop node

On the integration runtimes page, we can see that our new self-hosted integration runtime is running. Click on the monitor button for more details:

Screenshot of the Azure Data Factory interface with the integration runtimes open, highlighting the monitor integration runtime button

On the Monitor page, we can see more details, like the available memory and CPU utilization:

Screenshot of the Azure Data Factory interface with the monitoring page open

Alright, let’s create a new linked service and dataset!

Connecting to the Self-Hosted Integration Runtime

We have already covered how to create linked services and datasets, so I’ll keep this part brief 😊

Create a new SQL Server linked service and connect via the new self-hosted integration runtime:

Screenshot of creating a new SQL Server linked service

Then, create a new SQL Server dataset and connect via the new linked service:

Screenshot of creating a new SQL Server dataset

Tadaaa! Are you ready to copy some data? I am! 🤓

Copy From SQL Server

When we went through datasets, we explained how Azure SQL Database datasets can be used directly or as a bridge to the linked service in the copy data activity. This works exactly the same way when working with SQL Server datasets.

We can choose to use either the table defined in the dataset, a query that overrides the dataset, or a stored procedure that overrides the dataset:

Screenshot of a copy data activity using a SQL Server dataset as a source

Since we have already covered how this works, I won’t repeat it here. Scroll down to “Database Datasets… or Queries?” if you need a refresher 😃

Copy Into SQL Server

Copying into SQL Server is a new use case, however. Previously, we have used a mapping data flow to copy data into an Azure SQL Database. But since data flows currently only support cloud data stores, they can’t be used to copy data into SQL Server. To do that, we need to use the copy data activity.

In this part, we will look at some techniques and design patterns for copying data into SQL Server.

Load (Append New Rows)

The default behavior of the copy data activity is to append new rows. You only have to specify the sink dataset:

Screenshot of the copy data activity with a SQL Server sink, highlighting the dataset

This works well if you are sure that your source only returns new data, so you don’t risk inserting duplicate data or get primary key constraint violations.

Truncate and Load (Overwrite All Rows)

If you want to overwrite all rows, you have to specify the sink dataset and add a TRUNCATE TABLE statement in the pre-copy script:

Screenshot of the copy data activity with a SQL Server sink, highlighting the dataset and the pre-copy script

This works well if you always need the latest data, and the dataset is small enough that loading times is not an issue.

Load and Truncate and Load are simple patterns. The next one… not so much 😅

Load Into Stored Procedure (Apply Custom Logic)

If you want to apply any kind of custom logic when loading into SQL Server, for example inserting new rows and updating existing rows (upserting data), you have to use a stored procedure.

In this case, instead of loading data directly into a table, you load data into a stored procedure. The stored procedure then does whatever you tell it to do. In addition to the stored procedure, you also need to create a table type to represent the source data.

…yeah. I know. Whaaat…? This took me a while to wrap my head around 😅

Let’s walk through an example!

To load into a stored procedure, you specify the sink dataset, stored procedure name, table type, and table type parameter name:

Screenshot of the copy data activity with a SQL Server stored procedure sink

In this case, the dataset is only used as a bridge to the linked service, so we can call the stored procedure:

Screenshot of the copy data activity with a SQL Server stored procedure sink, highlighting the dataset and stored procedure

The stored procedure can look something like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE lego.usp_upsert_themes
    @themes lego.themes READONLY

    MERGE lego.themes AS target
    USING @themes AS source
    ON ( =
        UPDATE SET
           ,target.parent_id = source.parent_id
        INSERT (
            (,, source.parent_id);


The stored procedure uses a MERGE statement to insert new rows and update existing rows. It has one parameter called @themes, which takes a table type called lego.themes as an input.

The table type and the parameter name from the stored procedure are wired up in the copy data activity:

Screenshot of the copy data activity with a SQL Server stored procedure sink, highlighting the table type and table type parameter name

The table type definition can look something like this:

CREATE TYPE lego.themes AS TABLE (
    id INT NULL
   ,name NVARCHAR(40) NULL
   ,parent_id INT NULL

The table type definition must have exactly the same columns in the same order as the source data definition:

Screenshot of the copy data activity with a SQL Server stored procedure sink, highlighting the source data definition

Because here’s the magic… The copy data activity reads the source data, maps the source data to the table type, and passes the table type into the stored procedure. The stored procedure then uses the data wrapped in the table type to insert and update the rows.

It makes total sense… once you understand how it works 😊


In this post, we first created a self-hosted integration runtime. Then, we looked at some common techniques and design patterns for copying data from and into an on-premises SQL Server.

In the next post, we will get an overview of SSIS in Azure Data Factory.

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About the Author

Professional headshot of Cathrine Wilhelmsen.Cathrine Wilhelmsen is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, international speaker, author, blogger, organizer, and chronic volunteer. She loves data and coding, as well as teaching and sharing knowledge - oh, and sci-fi, gaming, coffee and chocolate 🤓